Too Close To Call
Too Close To Call Podcast
The most important question to evaluate a winning argument

The most important question to evaluate a winning argument

Two-time world debate champion Bo Seo explains how to spot strengths and weaknesses in debate.

Bo Seo, a two-time world debate champion, couldn’t bring himself to analyze a 2016 presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

He rendered it more a spectacle than an exchange of ideas.

In this #TooCloseToCall pod, I ask him about that experience, how he thinks American political debates should change and the four core questions everyone can use to evaluate the merits of an argument. We begin the conversation with how a poor student and self-described introvert transformed into one of the most skilled debaters on the planet.

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Too Close To Call
Too Close To Call Podcast
Mostly politics. With a side of personal. Always #profound, perhaps problematic.