Too Close To Call
Too Close To Call Podcast
'No matter how long it takes': Congressman Seth Moulton on funding Ukraine and Biden '24

'No matter how long it takes': Congressman Seth Moulton on funding Ukraine and Biden '24

The Massachusetts Democrat says there's no expiration date on funding the war.

Rep. Seth Moulton, a Democrat from Massachusetts and a combat veteran, has established a uncompromisingly hawkish position regarding U.S. aid to Ukraine’s war with Russia.

“We have every moral obligation in the world to stand with Ukrainians — no matter how long it takes,” Moulton tells me in the latest #TooCloseToCall podcast.

In addition to Ukraine Q&A, Dave dives into the possibility of a government shutdown, the impeachment inquiry centering around the president and his son’s business dealings and attempts to measure Moulton’s enthusiasm (get pumped!) for Biden 2024.

Press PLAY above or listen to the pod on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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Too Close To Call
Too Close To Call Podcast
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