
23 nights until '24: Is Arizona cooked?

A look at the toughest state for Kamala Harris to keep in the Democratic column.

With just over three weeks from Election Day 2024, Too Close To Call will be entering the sprint with a busier posting schedule, offering razor-sharp analysis and prescient reporting on the key questions and data that will determine the HarrisVTrump contest.

And as always, probing the conventional wisdom.

Tonight’s video post — which raises the question of whether Arizona and it’s 11 electoral votes are falling out of reach for Kamala Harris — is free to all subscribers. But future hits will be paywalled for the paid family.

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“But if the New York Times, the best pollster in the business, has Kamala Harris down by five points... My question is, will you see Democrats draw back in Arizona at all?

In 2020, Joe Biden won that state by three tenths of a point …He only won it by 10,457 votes…Arizona is, I think, the toughest battleground state for Kamala Harris to hold. And we we will be watching if Kamala Harris decides to cut loose there or if there's any other movement.

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