I guess there is no need to hold the election at this point. The dollars have spoken.

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Trump didn't spend anywhere near what Hillary Clinton did.

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LOL. This article is incoherent.

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Well, it’s up to “Big Everything” and the ballot harvesters now.

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Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, it’s easier than thinking. Mindless simps. You are welcome

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Money cannot overcome reality: people are not as stupid as "they" hope.

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Tucker: The curious case of Ray Epps and the January 6 Committee - Fox News Video


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Money box the sour milk of politics

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

All lies. Democrats and the media are working hard to spin it in their favor. A lot of people question why the party has so much money but, the people who they allegedly represent are desperately trying hard to make ends meet.

The Democrats can only pull off a victory by cheating (the 2020 election is proof of that) and if they cheat again, people will coming after the party and the politicians: that’s when their real troubles will begin.

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I don't give a hoot if Milk goes to 15.00... I'm still VOTING BLUE! GOP +Red = Traitors!

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The most glaring example of “money isn’t everything” is Michael Bloomberg! Supposedly, he spent $1.0 billion in the primaries in 2020, and he totally crashed and burned.

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Waste the money, ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID! It's not Jan 6, or abortion! It's the Boob who started it Feb 2021! The southern border, shutting down oil exploration! Whether smart or stupid it stares you in the face every day, no matter how they try to hide it!

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Waste the money. ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID. Remember that from the 90's. It's not Jan 6, or abortion. It's the boob who started this!

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Doesn't this prove, I mean, isn't this absolute evidence that the richest people on the planet own the Democratic party?

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The way of the FLMJS, as usual. Exterminate them like the Germans SHOULD HAVE DONE. Nothing will change for the better until then!

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Desperate Hollywood and FANG money pouring into Dems in hopes of keeping Senate?

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